Conference Organization
The 41st Winter-Workshop will be organized by
the International Society of Pteridinology (ISP)
in collaboration with
the Austrian Society of Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Chemistry (ÖGLMKC)
the Verein zur Förderung von Forschung und Weiterbildung in Infektiologie und Immunologie an der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck
the Medical University of Innsbruck, Institute of Medical Biochemistry
the Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck, Institute of Pharmacognosy
Agnes-Heller-Haus, Innrain 52A, Innsbruck, Austria
Scientific Committee:
- Thomas Felder (Salzburg)
- Johanna Gostner (Innsbruck)
- Andrea Griesmacher (Innsbruck)
- Bohuslav Melichar (Olomouc)
- Simone Moser (Innsbruck)
- Günter Weiss (Innsbruck)
ISP Honorary Members:
- Dietmar Fuchs (Innsbruck)
- Gilbert Reibnegger (Graz)
- Rudolf Weber (Berlin)
- Vojtech Parrák (Bratislava)
Workshop Managers:
- Johanna Gostner (Innsbruck),
- Simone Moser (Innsbruck),
Local Organizing Team
- Lucia Parráková
- Pablo-Monfort Lanzas
- Cornelia Karg
- Michael Zwerger
Conference Details
- Language: The official conference language is English.
- Presentation Format: Oral presentations and/or poster (5 min poster presentation)
- Short Talk: 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion.
- Keynote Lectures: 30 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion.
For any further details, please reach out to the organizing managers.

Local Organizing Team (from left to right): Cornelia Karg, Lucia Parráková, Michael Zwerger, Pablo Monfort-Lanzas